“For over 12 months, Elite have been providing our company with strategic advice and delivering strategic programs with our Leadership team. Over the period we have covered a wide range of strategic topics from scaling the team in the UK and Internationally through to analysing our suppliers and customers to improve engagement. Elite have developed a number of support and growth programs which they have delivered in a superbly efficient and encouraging way to our team.”
Automonous Engineering Client
Elite have been fantastic through their mentoring, providing guidance and support through some very challenging times of change. Elite's extensive knowledge really showed when delivering ideas and ways to help even without me asking, through pure intuition and experience of various situations. Both strategy and problem solving easier when considering an outside perspective.
Head of Sales
“Elite’s support in driving strategic growth and cultural transformation has been excellent. We could not have done it without their guidance and experience. Elite have given us a real insight into our staff and what is important to them. They also designed and facilitated the Strategy & Culture workshops for us which have been invaluable in including our staff in decisions on how our business moves forward, in helping us to understand what they like/don’t like, improving communication between management and staff, feeding back to our staff on the progress we are making to improve the company and secure everyone’s future. Elite's enthusiasm and ability to keep us focussed on driving our business forward is exceptional.”
Business Owner & Director
Construction Client
“At the outset I was highly sceptical of what could be achieved through the process but my team and I threw ourselves into it with an open mind. Having now completed the programme I found it incredibly insightful and informative. The outputs clearly defined our behaviours, characteristics and competencies and by doing so it became obvious where our development needs lay and how to improve our ways of working. Elite have an open, honest and approachable manner and is both extremely knowledgeable and very supportive.’
Business Performance Manager
Insurance Client
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